Sunday, 18 March 2012

Mother's Day

I recently stumbled across a load of old photos on the family computer that I have been desperate to search through. Weirdly, I don't seem to find my baby pictures as embarrassing as most people (Though there are still a few I hope remain hidden!). Any way, since today is Mother's Day I thought I'd dig out a few of my mum and me over the years. Enjoy!


My Grandma and me

With my Nana and big Nana in 1997

Looking a bit shell-shocked

How pretty does my momma look? Not sure what I've seen mind!

Trying on Mum's wedding dress

Cadbury's 1998

I love this one.

Mum's 40th, 2010

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for everything.
All my love,

P.S. I passed my first AS psychology exam!

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