Saturday, 2 July 2011

I have arrived. I'm back in Florida. The weird thing is that even though I only arrived yesterday it already feels like I've spent days if not weeks here. Prom, which was only three days ago, seems like it happened ages ago. That is not to say it was mediocre or even tedious; personally, I really enjoyed myself and thought it was a lovely way to finish off the year. The only thing I have a complaint about is the food! Although it tasted great, I'm still not sure how the teachers expected us to consume a three course meal in prom dresses - some of which were corseted. Not sure it was the best idea they have ever had. I have to admit that, as per, I spent most of my night dragging people to the dance floor and nattering away but what's new there?

Despite the drama that occurred in Manchester airport - I think the staff were scared into compliance by my mother - the flight itself was great. Sat in one of the new, swanky planes, I spent most of the flight watching all the latest and greatest films on, wait for it, my touch screen television. I was rather impressed. I even managed to eat half of the dinner they brought me, which is a first.

I found myself sat next to the stereotypical English 'mommy's boy'. Although he was lovely and harmless, he seemed to have come straight from a 90's sitcom - he was the type of man who still played on pocket game consoles and got excited by other new technologies. In his forties at the least, he seemed unnaturally excited at the prospect of visiting the "Star Tours" and Harry Potter sections of the local theme parks. He even planned to take a day off work in order to watch all seven of the HP films. The clincher had to be when he told me the first thing he would do when he got off the plane was call his mum, despite having called her before we left to tell her how 'amazing' the airport was.

Seeing as I've only been here a day, I'm going to keep this short but thought I would catch you up while I still had the time. I'm sure the next post will be up soon as I hear tonight's agenda is centered around a meal at a rather fancy restaurant :)

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