Monday, 15 August 2011

You can take the girl out of England....

I love the beach.

There is something about the feeling of sand beneath your bare feet, the way the water las at your toes. To me, it doesn't matter if its barely above freezing and I'm buried beneath layers of hats, scarves and woolly jumpers. It is one of my favourite places and I never tire of it.

Over here, it's completely different; it's not a bad thing, just different. The beach is crowded with people desperately soaking up the rays. Not only is it acceptable to walk around in swimwear, it's expected. Of course, in Florida the chances of needing a coat on the beach are slim to none.

Yesterday, we drove to the beach for the day and I loved it. I even managed to move from vampire to pale on the tanning scale, something I was beginning to think was impossible. We had a great meal at a Spanish restaurant where I think I may have scared my grandparents with my obsession for tapas. Like I said, I personally had a great day even if I couldn't help missing fish and chips and a good old fashioned 99.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

How much?!

Have you ever laughed because something was unbelievably cheesy? This was exactly what I found myself doing last night while at a dinner show in Orlando.

Although the night was a good one, there was definitely room for improvement. The humour, for onecould be seen as a little too juvenile but I have to admit I did find myself laughing at some of the more ridiculous jokes that were cracked.

The other main issue I had was the prices of entry, souvenirs and drinks at the event. Personally I thought the tickets were slightly too expensive for what you get but others may disagree depending on how much they enjoyed the night. However, I'm sure everyone can agree that the cost of drinks within the attraction was too high. When we bought our drinks it was revealed that ONE glass of beer cost more than a crate at the supermarket. I honestly don't know how they get away with it.

On a slightly lighter note, I recently started a writing challenge. For thirty days, I have to write for at least ten minutes everyday based on that day's prompt. I'm currently on the second day and have to say that it is very interesting ( and a little frustrating). If you would like to take a look at my attempts check out